Home California Congressman DeSaulnier’s Statement on President Trump’s First Address to Joint Session of Congress

Congressman DeSaulnier’s Statement on President Trump’s First Address to Joint Session of Congress

by ECT

Washington, D.C. – Congressman Mark DeSaulnier (CA-11) issued the following statement in response to President Donald Trump’s first address to a Joint Session of Congress:

“The most important part of President Trump’s Joint Address to Congress is not what he said, but rather what he chose not to say. While shifting his tone to sound more Presidential, the content of his speech was more of the same – broken promises. President Trump was light on explicit policy directives on how he plans to address the most pressing issues of our time.

“What I hoped to hear from the President tonight were answers to questions surrounding Russian influence in our electoral system, his financial conflicts of interests, how he plans to uphold his Constitutional obligations, and ultimately a display of humility and respect for the Office of the President. Instead, what I heard tonight was the blaming of others. I listened in disgust as he blamed immigrants for many of the problems facing our country; claimed that the Affordable Care Act is failing, when there is simply no evidence to support that claim; and touted that education is the great civil rights issue of our day, when just this week his Administration rolled back guidance for schools aimed at protecting transgender students.

“It is incumbent upon President Trump to call for an independent investigation into the Russian involvement in our democracy, his deflection tactics and silence on this issue are not acceptable.”

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TFDEC Mar 1, 2017 - 9:25 am

Desaulnier is so out of touch. He is a swamper. Trump could care less about Desaulnier and his anti American attitude. You people need to replace Desaulnier asap. He is s waste time washed up do nothing for the working man politician. Drain the swamp.

Gary Gilbert Mar 1, 2017 - 9:35 am

What a complete moron. These whiny, cry baby, I’m mad because I can’t have my way Obama worshippers are the most divisive, racist, elitist, arrogant idiots ever.

Get over it. Crooked Hillary lost and if there’s any justice she will spend the rest of her miserable life in prison!

Marc Herlands Mar 1, 2017 - 12:55 pm

Delusional partisanship. Since taking office: Flynn, unconstitutional ban on Muslims, Priebus interferes with FBI investigation of Russiagate, Trump allows coal slurry to infect rivers, government denies Native Americans their land rights in North Dakota, stupid attack on Yemen, appoints dumbest Education Secretary, appoints racist Attorney General, appoints Russian enabler Ross to Commerce, and then Exxon takes over at State. He allowed a Russian spy ship to get within 30 miles of US east coast, North Korea to launch missile, and Iran to breach its deal with the US. Weak. He’s been barred to speak in the British Parliament and barred to enter Australia. Every week end he vacations in Florida and holds top secret talks about North Korea in a public dining area with Japanese Prime Minister Abe. And that’s not including his lies and confabulations. This guy should not have the keys to the washroom let alone the keys to nuclear bombs.

Gary Gilbert Mar 1, 2017 - 6:50 pm

And Hillary Clinton should have been President? LOL

Trump didn’t have a secret server and allowed his immigrant maid to go into his government sponsored room and retrieve top secret documents sent from the FBI, NSA, CIA, and Obama. That was Hillary.

Trump didn’t refuse to send help to our Diplomat and his staff while they were being attacked by terrorist in Benghazi and then tell the Congressional panel investigating the matter that what happened “doesn’t matter” because they are dead. Trump didn’t lie to the face of their families. That was Hillary.

Trump didn’t require foreign governments to “make a donation” to his foundation to get access to him as Secretary of State. That was Hillary.

Trump didn’t give Russia vast amounts of our uranium. That was Hillary!

Trump was never given questions to debates and town hall forums by the RNC or the media just so he could successfully answer the questions. That was Hillary.

Trump never called his opponents supporters deplorable & irredeemable, that was Hillary.

Trump didn’t take money from special interests groups and corporations to fund his campaign, Hillary was bought and paid for and would have sold our country out to the highest bidder. Trump funded the vast majority of his campaign out of his own pocket.

Trump NEVER said women should have the right to abort their unborn child even in the ninth month if they decided they no longer wanted to have the baby. That was Hillary.

Trump NEVER had a mentor who was a recruiter for the Klu Klux Klan that he admired. That was Hillary! Trump wasn’t a lawyer who defended a child molester and laughed. That was Hillary!

Trump NEVER told his campaign staff that he was owed the presidency nor did he believe that individuals should vote for him because he is a man. Hillary believed she was entitled to be the President just because she is a woman.

Trump NEVER met with Black Lives Matter and believes that law enforcement officers are the enemy. That was good ‘ole cop hating Hillary.

Trump has NEVER believed that America should have “open borders” and anyone from any country should be allowed to enter. That was Hillary!

Trump has his faults, like we ALL do, but Hillary Clinton lost the election because she is a compulsive liar, completely untrustworthy, and because she is a despicable individual and anyone who voted for her should seek psychiatric help.

Don Draper Mar 2, 2017 - 6:21 am

Gary, honestly man the commenter just listed out examples of Trumps incompetence and your first response is all about Clinton? Pathetic. Both were horrible choices for leadership. It’s funny you Trump supporters are all common folk yet think some spoiled business troll is your savior? His whole life has been a special interest and an example of greed and nepotism that goes back since the dawn of man. It’s 2017 and you guys are still wanting to live with a 20th century demagogue. You’re as delusional as the people living in the rust belt thinking factory jobs, blaming immigrants and China– when in reality, it was technology. Trump never had the foresight to address this, just keep with the status quo.

Gary Gilbert Mar 2, 2017 - 12:46 pm

Apparently you knelt at the altar of Obama like so many others who are now whining & crying because your progressive pimp daddy is no longer President and his heir apparent, Hillary, couldn’t win a dog catcher election.

Your right, neither candidate was perfect and after my original candidate dropped out it was a easy decision to take Trump any day of the week who will tell it like it is rather than be stupid enough like kiss the ring of the Clinton Cartel. Not to worry, keep up the violent protesting because we all know how well that works.

Since you liberals are so tolerant of everyone except conservatives, why don’t you invite a couple of the individuals from the countries on the travel ban list to move in with you and your family? That’s right don’t vet them, just go and pick them up from the airport and bring them home! I’m sure you will sleep great at night ?

Enjoy the next four years!

Don Draper Mar 2, 2017 - 4:56 pm

Plus, I actually adopted a child from a country on the ban list, before all this. I’m not for illegal immigration either, but obviously they’re fleeing their country for a reason– especially foreign policy your gods in Washington created. You’re a tool if you buy into the ban thinking it’ll change anything. Alcohol, police, prescription drugs, cigarettes, cars, even the common flu kills more Americans than terrorists do, Gary berry

Gary Gilbert Mar 2, 2017 - 12:53 pm

Don, it must be really hard for you Dems to wake up in the morning and realize that your party is no longer relevant. LOL

Don Draper Mar 2, 2017 - 4:17 pm

Dude seriously calm down- I’m neither republican or democrat I’m an American like you and am disappointed in our leadership, but at least I’m not a coward like you and will follow a foolish demagogue. It’s lame how you hate on violent protest yet that’s how this country was founded you. Did you ever stop to ask yourself why Saudi Arabia isn’t on the ban list? The country that funded the 9/11 terrorists. Trump is another special interest puppet like Hillary, be a man and have some courage (since you already fled Antioch) but I forgot you must be a pushover baby boomer and follow the leader.

Gary Gilbert Mar 1, 2017 - 2:00 pm

East County you need dump this chump when he comes up for re-election

The Dude Mar 1, 2017 - 4:28 pm

The only idiots bigger than this tard desauliner are the stupid pos that keeps reelecting this guy

Gary Gilbert Mar 2, 2017 - 4:52 pm

Don, pretty obvious you have absolutely no clue what your talking about.

Okay pay attention, Saudia Arabia is not on the ban list because they are American allies helping us fight against Al Qaeda.

By the way, I have had the honor and privilege of serving my country twice! As a Navy medic assigned to a special forces unit and as a law enforcement officer, injured in the line of duty, three times.

Now who is coward? I believe now is the time to open your BIG mouth and insert your foot!

Gary Gilbert Mar 2, 2017 - 5:00 pm

Oh Donny. Yep, had the good sense to leave crime infested Antioch.

Speaking of cowards, don’t recall you stepping up to do anything to help Antioch? It’s cowards just like you that whine and complain and in most cases hide behind their wives. Face it Don, you wear the dress in your relationship. LOL

Don Draper Mar 2, 2017 - 10:55 pm

Sorry sir, I learned how to think for myself as a teenager and didn’t have to get my head shaven, desensitized, and follow orders from someone to partake in civic duties and have meaningful work. You’re even more sad for that addition and being a trump follower– trump was a draft dodger who mocks veterans. LOL the military is to protect special interests like trump and global elitists, not our “freedom”. Get over yourself and your outdated baby boomer comic book fantasies. I bet you had fun jumping drug addicts with your comrades while white collar crime got swept under the rug.

Gary Gilbert Mar 2, 2017 - 5:03 pm

Been nice talking to you Don. Enjoy being afraid to go out at night!

Chipper Mar 3, 2017 - 12:00 pm

Don, you should quit while you are behind. (Yes, you are very far behind)

Gary is kicking you in the pants and you are either to dumb or ignorant to see it because you keep coming back for more. Reminds me of a kid in school that had a kick me sticker slapped on his back and couldn’t figure out why he was being picked on.

Don, Mark DeSaunier and Hillary are both despicable. By trying to defend them and the rest of the blind, dead and dumb democrats places you in the same shallow gene pool.

Put your big boy pants Don. Trump is our President and is going to make you very unhappy if you were a fan of Hillary, Obama or DeSaulnier.

Gary Gilbert Mar 3, 2017 - 5:14 pm


You can’t engage in a battle of wits when someone like Don has absolutely no intellectual ammunition!

Ben Mar 3, 2017 - 10:41 pm

The real infestation was Europeans coming to this continent. #facts

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